Friday 10 February 2017

Why you should be drinking Green Tea

Hey Guys,

I've been on this green tea wagon for a couple of years now and I don't see me coming off anytime soon. This is my go to tea , I must have a cup at nights . Before I was completely aware of its benefit I could have seen a difference as to how my body responds to gaining that unwanted weight , when I have the flu it wouldn't last as long and I won't get sick often as I used to be in the past. I strongly believe that what we consume affects our overall health and making small changes you should be able to see the difference. Don't get me wrong I am not saying to give up all your specific indulgences because I  definitely won't !! Again , it's about having a balance in our daily lives.

I feel the need to share with you guys some of the countless benefits of Green Tea....


  1. These are some great benefits of green tea that I never knew, thanks for the tip!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am a big tea drinker myself and agree with all the benefits. I also love ginger tea which has some of those benefits as well. Love the tips Em. Crecia

    1. Thanks Crecia.. I had to drink ginger tea when I was pregnant and I couldn't tolerate it. I'll try again.

  4. I absolutely love Green Tea. I add some fresh lemon to it and drink usually in the morning.

  5. OK, you've encouraged me to start drinking green tea again.. didn't realize it was that good for you. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I guess I shall go back to drinking green tea then
