Wednesday 8 February 2017

Green Juice

Hey Guys,

As I mentioned in an earlier post , I love me some smoothie or having green juice for breakfast. I'm the kind of person once I like something I'll have it as much as possible , what I do regarding my breakfast is to interchange my smoothies . It's done strategically, the days I don't work-out I will have a green juice which has less calories than the smoothies . I must warn you guys its not that fulling chances are you will need a mid- morning snack I recommend a fruit . This morning I packed a grapefruit to have at work. This juice is very refreshing and it's packed with lots of vitamin C. It's another fav of mine.. This is extremely simple to make, there aren't any wrong ways to! Prep time is about 5- 10 mins

Here's the recipe:

  1. 1 cup of baby spinach 
  2. 1 large  stalk of celery  
  3. 1 apple 
  4. 1 cumber ( size don't matter)
  5. 10 seedless grapes 
  6. 2 glasses of water 


  1. I like adding Kale to mine, helps you to stay fuller for longer

    1. Funny enough , I was thinking about that this morning on my drive to work ... I didn't have any next time I will add some.. Great minds think alike.Check out my wine post !!!

  2. Lol, the Kale makes it thicker with the consistency of a smoothie. I love reading your blogs. Heading to the wine post now!

  3. Aww, thanks Love... Appreciate its for my MBA assignment so share if you can.

  4. Green juice is the best. I have started adding fresh ground Moringa to it.

  5. I enjoy juicing as well. I don't usually add more than three ingredients though.I'm slowly becoming more adventurous. In fact, I love the taste of celery with apples. Or maybe a berry blend with spinach. Has anyone here tried adding about four pitted dates as a natural sweetener? It's delicious.I think I will try your recipe though.
