Monday 27 March 2017

The Health Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Skip pajamas!!!! Experts say sleeping au naturel is better for your health. Researchers found that sleeping naked is not only comfortable , but it regulates your skin temperature, preventing you from waking in the middle of the night.

Staying cool through the night has also been  found to increase your metabolism. While sleeping in colder temperatures "brown fat", a healthy fat found in the neck, is activated . This good fat will help you burn calories while it generates body heat.

Many specialists recommend sleeping naked as a way for your skin to breathe, which is especially important for women. Yeast infections,a type of bacteria , thrive in a warm moist areas, which can be created while sleeping in pajamas. 

Skipping clothes isn't just recommended for females, but it is important for a man in order to maximize their sperm production. It is recommend that a man's scrotum sits at around 95 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit, which is just a tad cooler than the rest of your body reports Men's Health.

Its been found that the quality of sperm suffers if your testicles become too warm, which was shown in a study that tested the semen of men who used saunas.


Although sleeping naked has been proven to be beneficial to your health, it is just as good for your relationship. Experts say that skin-to-skin contact releases oxytocin in your brain, also known as the "love hormone", which brings couples together emotionally and increases trust within the relationship. 
This type of contact has also been found to boost your immune system, steady cortisol levels and lower blood pressure.

I hope you guys find this info interesting, let me know your thoughts!!!

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