Thursday 23 March 2017

Do we really need Multivitamins and Supplements?

As long as I can remember I've always known that vitamins are good for you . Growing up I could remember being forced to take a spoon of "tonic" . So naturally as an adult it became part of my daily routine . Honestly , I might be a tad addicted to them if I don't take my daily stash I'm lethargic! But I never questioned why should we take these multivitamins and supplements because I'm a relatively healthy eater.  

Here's what I've learnt:

Some people who take supplements as an “insurance policy” against poor eating habits might increase their risk of health problemsSo how do you know what’s right for you? The best way is to talk to your doctor before taking dietary supplements.

Here are some risks of too much vitamins and supplements  :

  • Some studies have linked iron supplements to a higher risk of death.
  • Vitamin E supplements may increase your risk of heart failure.
  • Too much vitamin A may be bad for your bones.          

  • This  doesn’t mean that iron and other vitamins and minerals are bad for you. You need to have iron in your diet and body to be healthy. 

    Supplements aren't magic!!

    It’s important to remember that dietary supplements can’t take the place of a well-balanced diet. 

    If you suspect that you aren’t getting the nutrients , consider shifting your focus from supplements to eating better. According to the Mayo Clinic, nutrient-rich whole foods — such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains — provide many benefits over dietary supplements:

    • Whole foods contain multiple micronutrients that may work together to provide more perks than they would alone.
    • Many whole foods are rich sources of dietary fiber. A diet rich in fiber can help lower your risk of many health conditions, including constipation and heart disease.
    • Many whole foods also contain phytochemicals. These substances may help protect you against heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other health conditions.   

    • Here are some benefits

      • Vitamin B-12 supplements can help older adults get the proper amount of this nutrient.
      • Vitamin D supplements can be beneficial for older adults and people who don’t get much sunlight.
      • Folic acid supplements can help pregnant women lower their child’s risk of birth defects.   

      • Always talk to your doctor before adding a vitamin or mineral supplement to your routine. If you’ve been taking supplements instead of eating fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-rich foods, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Remember, there’s no substitute for a healthy diet.

        I'm going to cut down on my stash , for those who knows me can confirm! Maybe I can save some funds here, we all know how costly vitamins and supplements can be. Let me know if you guys agree. 

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