Friday 17 February 2017

Banana, Carrots & Pumpkin Smoothie

Many of you may know by now that I'm a Smoothie kindda girl!!! Why? Because its delicious, nutritious , and easy to make. Additionally, its a convenient way to get all the nutrients that is needed to start your day!! My fav is the berry and banana , this morning I was all out of frozen berries , so I raided my fridge to see what will go well with bananas. I got carrots and pumpkin, this was my first attempt to make this smoothie . But what the heck!!! When life gives you lemons , what do we do? Make lemonade!!! Same principle applies in this case , I made a Banana, Carrots & Pumpkin smoothie.

It was really good, to be honest guys I feel a small sense of accomplishment when I feed my body something that I know will benefit my all round health. Again, we just need to pay a little more attention of what we are consuming.

Here's what you'll need:

  1. 2 ripe bananas 
  2. 1/2  cup of cubed pumpkins (uncooked)
  3. 1/2  cup of carrots (uncooked)
  4. 1 1/2 cups of low fat milk 
  5. 4 tbsp of rolled oats 
  6. a dash of Angostura bitters 
  7. a dash of cinnamon
Let me know what other variations of Smoothies you guys make .  


  1. Sounds like a good way to trick yourself into eating more veggies! I would add chia seeds/flax seeds for an extra boost of nutrients :)

    1. Correct, that's what I do !!! I'll add the chia seeds I will normally add flax but I'm out.

  2. Sounds great What can I replace the milk with?

  3. Oohh, that looks good. I'll try it.

  4. Not a big fan of pumpkin and oats but that smoothie looks delicious I may try it, thank you.

    1. Lol, you can hardly taste the pumpkin and oats.. try it !!! It's good for you.

  5. This looks really great will be trying. Keep up the good work Nadia! :D -Karina

  6. I'm not a smoothie person, especially for breakfast, however, this does look very appealing and moreso, I would love my kids to become fans of this healthy meal option . BTW, can you suggest a few quick and easy savoury breakfast choices? Looking forward to those.


    1. Thanks Kish, I'll see what I come up with..
